"My life is like a movie in which I get to play myself and I get to experience it one frame at a time. It is a foregone conclusion that the film has a happy ending-it's in the script. I love this film, I love my part and, if I play my cards right, there's a good chance I'll get an Academy Award!"
Sally Huss
We create our reality by our own. We write our lives. And we can also edit and rewrite what didn't work, bringing in a new supporting actors and casting ourselves in roles that are truly having us stretch to who we want to be.
Here is the opportunity for YOU to write, name, star, cast and co-produce a major motion picture.
You've got carte blanche from the studio... Whatever you need to spend, wherever you want to shoot, who ever you need to cast... It's all available to you!

Let's Get Started...
1st Decide on the Genre: Romantic Comedy, Love Story, Epic Adventure, Action Thriller, Fantasy, Classic...
Give Your Movie A Name: "A Beautiful Life" is most commonly used and one of the favourite all time titles... Feel free to borrow that or pick one of your own. There is no such thing as copy right infringement for this production :)
You're the Star: What is your character like? What's your background, where are you going? What type of style do you have? What is important to you in life? What experiences shaped your life? Who are your friends? What's your relationship with your family? What are your hobbies? Where do you live? You get the picture... Give this character as much detail as possible so you are completely clear how best to play this role!
Who will play opposite you in the lead: Do they have a name? Or do you just know the qualities you are looking for? Physical attributes, character strengths, vulnerabilities, emotional depth? Do they make you laugh, are they brilliant? Where in the world are they from... Do they speak with an accent? Remember you have total control!

Plot: What major milestones happen in this movie? What gets resolved? What gets Co-Created? How does a day in these characters' life look like, a month, a year, a decade? Looking back on their life what accomplishments did they achieve, what legacy will they leave? Bring in as much detail as possible... Don't forget to add in how the characters feel as well as what they experience throughout the film.
Soundtrack: Again YOU have complete control! What are the songs that get played throughout your movie?
Quiet on the Set: It's almost time to film... Now would be a good time to get quiet and spend some time in meditation as you visualize exactly how you want the scenes to play out!
Ready, Set, Action: Filming is fun and gets done with incredible ease, everyone plays their role brilliantly as a matter of fact there are talks of several awards! :)

Opening Night: Invite your friends, put on your best threads, take some pictures and get ready to start living the life of your dreams!
Now take some time to play the movie. Feel what it is like to move through scene by scene. Know that you have full control and can rewrite whenever necessary. In fact you are encouraged to come back and update the story. The studio backs you no matter what! It looks like you're up for some major awards! I'll see YOU on the Red Carpet! Shine On!
Above idea for the movie comes from Co-Creating Our Reality and The 100 Day Reality Challenge is a global community with participants from over 125 countries. If you like "A New Earth" and "The Secret", you'll love the CCOR Community! Come see what everyone's talking about at www.CCOR.tv Admission is FREE!